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How to remove video from Instagram IGTV?

We will examine how this video can be removed for Instagram users who have posted videos willingly or accidentally on igtv. After uploading the video, you can only remove the preview even if you see the video in your account. Now the steps on how to completely remove the video.

IGTV ‘den video silmek için;

  1. Login to Instagram account
  2. Enter the “search” (lens icon) menu from the menu bar below
  3. In the top menu bar, you can see IGTV text first. Television icon with antennas on the icon, lightning icon on it .. enter this menu
  4. You will see the current videos on the screen.
  5. Type your username in the search box and click on find
  6. You can see the videos you uploaded here.
  7. Now enter the video of your choice and open the options by pressing the three dots icon at the bottom and press the delete button.

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