Google Play Console 64 Bit Requirement Incompatible Error Solution
You’ve made your Android game and you’ve encountered this error when you upload it to Google Play … Now let’s see how we can get rid of this error (This article was written for Unity users. You can adapt the solution to your own system.);
At the end of the article, I will be talking about one or two mistakes that you are more likely to encounter in the next stages.
Error :
This version is not compatible with Google Play 64 bit requirement
The following APKs or Application Packs are available on 64-bit devices, but have only 32-bit local code: 1
Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your application. Use the Android App Bundle release format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code it needs. In this way, you can avoid increasing the overall size of your application.
As mentioned in the description, your Apk file is only 32 bits. We are also asked to include 64 bits.
While building our apk file, we will make a few settings changes.
– Open the File> Build Settings> Player Settings window.
– Open the menu in Configuration> Scripting Backand and select IL2CPP.
– Slightly below ARM64 in Target Architectures section will now be selectable when it appears to wipe out in the past. Let’s tick this box.
And you can get build ….
Important Note 1: You will solve this error in this way, but if there is a lack of NDK file when you buy Build build may be interrupted. If you encounter this I share the solution.
Important Note 2: If you did not upgrade the number of versions when you installed the Play Console. You will encounter a version error. To solve this problem ;
Android Ndk Not Found Error Solution
As mentioned in the error in the friends is not getting build because the Ndk version is missing.
I solved this problem by downloading Android Revision NDK 16b (You can download the package that suits your operating system from this link.)
All you have to do is to download it (300 mb) and when we ask you to show it during Build, we show the folder we extracted from the file that we downloaded. And the build process will continue normally.
If this version doesn’t solve your problem, I suggest you try another version.
How to Upgrade Version;
While building our apk file, we will make a few settings changes.
– Open the File> Build Settings> Player Settings window.
– Upgrade the Identification > Bundle Version Code. (For example: Type 2 in 1 …)
Get build again.
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